Bags upon Bags of Insulation
Yesterday brought snow, sleet, and the stomach flu. This didn't stop us (*ahem-them) from doing some major work on Longshot. In fact, we can now declare that the major demo work is complete!
When I say "us from doing major work", I mean Derek, his mom, my mom & dad, and Uncle Kevin. We are very thankful for our family who came out on the crummy day to love and support us. In fact, Derek pointed out that at this point, the older generation seem to be showing up the younger generation *cough cough*
The main goal for Saturday was to:
1. tear down the existing ceiling & dry wall in the Main Room
2. get the massively heavy metal tub into the dumpster at the top of the hill
3. clean clean clean
Small checklist? Heck no. This was quite the project and so thankful we (*ahem-they) walked out at 4:30 with all the required items checked off.
Scroll down for pictures from the day!