Lavenders Longshot

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Fillers, Thrillers and Spillers

We've all been there. You're watching a Lowes commercial and BAM. There is a sweeping panoramic of a stone mansion, a small puppy and overflowing flower pots. Although I won't be able to help you with how to get the mansion or the puppy, I can help you with how they did those planters! The key to a great flower pot, box or planter is fairly simple.          

Think filler, thriller and spiller.

A plant either fills up space, grows tall to grab attention, or spills out over the planter. A great pot will include one of each. You better believe I have high hopes for The Quarry's flower boxes and pots. I have been dreaming and scheming all week, so I wanted to share with you a few of my favorites:


  1. Angelface® Blue Summer Snapdragon
  2. 'Pink Micro Chip' Butterfly Bush
  3. Petit Pink Rose


  1. Herbs
  2. Scarlet Coleus 'Kong Jr.'
  3. Sundaze Blaze (Strawflower)


  1. Sweet Potato Vine
  2. Bacopa
  3.  SUPERTUNIA® Flamingo

Ps. We get the keys to The Quarry TODAY! 

With Love,

The Lavenders