Fillers, Thrillers and Spillers
We've all been there. You're watching a Lowes commercial and BAM. There is a sweeping panoramic of a stone mansion, a small puppy and overflowing flower pots. Although I won't be able to help you with how to get the mansion or the puppy, I can help you with how they did those planters! The key to a great flower pot, box or planter is fairly simple.
Think filler, thriller and spiller.
A plant either fills up space, grows tall to grab attention, or spills out over the planter. A great pot will include one of each. You better believe I have high hopes for The Quarry's flower boxes and pots. I have been dreaming and scheming all week, so I wanted to share with you a few of my favorites:
- Angelface® Blue Summer Snapdragon
- 'Pink Micro Chip' Butterfly Bush
- Petit Pink Rose
- Herbs
- Scarlet Coleus 'Kong Jr.'
- Sundaze Blaze (Strawflower)
- Sweet Potato Vine
- Bacopa
- SUPERTUNIA® Flamingo
Ps. We get the keys to The Quarry TODAY!
With Love,
The Lavenders