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How to Start a Book Club

So you want to start a book club?
Follow these simple steps:

I started by asking a few girls to join the club and each girl was allowed to invite one friend. This helped us meet different women from different walks of life and new friends! We have capped the total members at 10.

Ps. Being defined as a “reader” is not necessary! Before the book club, 4 of these ladies hadn’t read a book in years.

  • Picking a consistent night a month allows everyone to plan ahead for meetings. We meet on the last Thursday of every month.

  • Each member is assigned a “month” where they can host and pick that month’s read!

  • When choosing the read, we have made it a rule that no one can have read the book before. This keeps anyone’s feelings from getting hurt if the chosen book isn’t a big hit and forces us to read different genres.

  • When reviewing the book, we take turns rating the read from 1-5 and share our thoughts!

Literally. Just tell ladies there will be snack foods, wine, and no children…your book club will build itself!

Congratulations, you just started a book club!

Here is a sample text you can send out to get your book club going:

”Would you have any interest in doing a book club with me? I’m thinking of starting one that meets the last Thursday of every month. We can take turns picking the book and then get together to discuss over wine and cheese. Each girl can then invite one girl she thinks will enjoy the club, so we can add in new people with different book tastes. Let me know what you think!”