The rest of the move & a few bonuses.

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We would like to make an official statement: Although we find the  "tiny house movement" cool and does technically apply to Bunker, we are doing this out of necessity. The [plan] is to be living in a normal size house with normal rooms in the near future. 

3 things I have learned in the past 3 weeks:

1. I have a greater fear of crickets that I do spiders- Mainly, crickets jump and I have no idea where they are jumping too. Although the beautiful wolf spiders that call Bunker home are quite large, at least they RUN away from me

2. I have never slept as good as I have in Bunker. Pitch black, silent (except for the crickets), and no drunk people screaming the words of Journey at 11pm at night. Life is good.

3. Never ever underestimate the power of a handy husband.


Now, onto the rest of the move:

Mom and Uncle Kevin helping unload boxes

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We happened to be graced with the presence of the cutest moving helper. That being Courtney of course.

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We got to work a bit more on our cabinets and got the kitchen sink placed

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We so appreciate all the helpers we had. Since Caleb and Courtney were moving out of the apartment as well, we were able to take advantage of all the extra hands!

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The cricket struggle is real folks Bunker move 2-18Bunker move 2-12

We now updated from homemade traps (see above) to sticky traps. We placed the sticky traps all over the house and just waited. One night, Derek heard a "Cricket" wrestling around with the trap trying to get out. Come to find out, we got ourselves 2 little mice as well! Best. Traps. Ever.


Our sweet neighbors brought us over a meal just 2 days after we moved in. And here is Derek installing the garbage disposal just minutes before their arrival:

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We are finally fully unpacked. Huge shout out goes to my mom who came in just to help me unpack and put away everything.

Also, Derek found us a washer and dryer at Lowe's. (I know, not Menards!)....Who knew you could haggle with Lowe's people? To quote my husband, "I told the manager it had been sitting there for a week and had blood on it, so I would give her $500." This is the part when I said...."Ummmm you NEVER mentioned there being blood on it!" But the blood came off and it works just fine, so I think we will keep it.

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And finally, our awesome bathroom faucet.

Yes. I keep my retainers in a hot pink case.

But again, lets focus on the faucet....

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Bunker Move In part 1

Well if you have been keeping up at all, you know we were suppose to move into Bunker on Monday. I am happy to report that WE DID MOVE IN! Although we are living among boxes, crickets, and have to use a wrench to turn on the shower, we are officially home and it feels awesome.

I have decided to break this event up into 2 blogs because so much happened in the days leading up to the move. I don't want to just show you all the good stuff at once!

1. Our shower. Although this is just a glimpse (because it isn't quite done), Derek designed a waterfall type shower head thingy. Basically, it is great. Since we had to raise our shower up a few inches for the drain, anyone over 6'3 will hit their head. Therefore, we found it necessary to put the shower head in the ceiling instead of a more common type. Obviously, I don't speak the technical shower language, so bear with me.

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2. Our bathroom toilet and vanity are hooked up and ready to go! We picked the vanity out at Menards. I think it is awesome but I am partial. The faucet should be coming in the mail next week. We are also putting in shelves where you see the rectangle by sink.

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3. We purchased and installed the bedroom loft floors. We opted to go with an inexpensive vinyl which you just cut and lay. I had many floor samples picked out and I thought there was no way I could find something in laminate I liked. Well, surprise surprise. Menards did it again. 88 cents a square ft and we have ourselves a fake wood floor.

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4. Counter tops. Ah. This has been one of my favorite little projects so far. Last week, Derek asked how I felt about Butcher Block. Well, who doesn't love Butcher Block?? Pretty trendy right now, but whatever. It was fairly inexpensive and really easy to work with. We love it.

 *Although Menards is not sponsoring me, they should.

We also picked these up at Menards.  I was really on the fence about keeping them light or staining them. In the end, I chose a Dark Walnut stain from Sherwin Williams. It was really easy to work with and I love how they turned out. We then sealed them with a 2 part Epoxi mix. Check it out:

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My mother-in-law was a huge help in the sealing process. We had to mix, pour, smooth, and examine all in very specific time frames. My cell phone is still recovering from my sticky fingers messing with the stop watch.

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The finished product!

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We also got our closet space set up and ready to rock. So glad Derek thought of this idea. It really adds a lot of needed storage to Bunker. We got the closets from Ikea and just placed them side to side. We will be adding something to cover up the back part of the closets. Eventually. Baby steps people.

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We had so many awesome helpers take time off work. We are so so thankful. Moving blog will be up soon. But until then, just a couple teasers:

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