The rest of the move & a few bonuses.

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We would like to make an official statement: Although we find the  "tiny house movement" cool and does technically apply to Bunker, we are doing this out of necessity. The [plan] is to be living in a normal size house with normal rooms in the near future. 

3 things I have learned in the past 3 weeks:

1. I have a greater fear of crickets that I do spiders- Mainly, crickets jump and I have no idea where they are jumping too. Although the beautiful wolf spiders that call Bunker home are quite large, at least they RUN away from me

2. I have never slept as good as I have in Bunker. Pitch black, silent (except for the crickets), and no drunk people screaming the words of Journey at 11pm at night. Life is good.

3. Never ever underestimate the power of a handy husband.


Now, onto the rest of the move:

Mom and Uncle Kevin helping unload boxes

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We happened to be graced with the presence of the cutest moving helper. That being Courtney of course.

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We got to work a bit more on our cabinets and got the kitchen sink placed

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We so appreciate all the helpers we had. Since Caleb and Courtney were moving out of the apartment as well, we were able to take advantage of all the extra hands!

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The cricket struggle is real folks Bunker move 2-18Bunker move 2-12

We now updated from homemade traps (see above) to sticky traps. We placed the sticky traps all over the house and just waited. One night, Derek heard a "Cricket" wrestling around with the trap trying to get out. Come to find out, we got ourselves 2 little mice as well! Best. Traps. Ever.


Our sweet neighbors brought us over a meal just 2 days after we moved in. And here is Derek installing the garbage disposal just minutes before their arrival:

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We are finally fully unpacked. Huge shout out goes to my mom who came in just to help me unpack and put away everything.

Also, Derek found us a washer and dryer at Lowe's. (I know, not Menards!)....Who knew you could haggle with Lowe's people? To quote my husband, "I told the manager it had been sitting there for a week and had blood on it, so I would give her $500." This is the part when I said...."Ummmm you NEVER mentioned there being blood on it!" But the blood came off and it works just fine, so I think we will keep it.

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And finally, our awesome bathroom faucet.

Yes. I keep my retainers in a hot pink case.

But again, lets focus on the faucet....

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A video tour of Bunker

Everyone loves pictures but videos are even better!

-----Here is a short tour of the place on move in day-----

Tour of Bunker

Just to refresh your memory, this is what Bunker looked like 6 months ago:

bunker 1 bunker 2 bunker 3 bunker 4 bunker 19 IMAG0190

 We are still working on unpacking, killing as many crickets as possible, and loving our place. Just in case you were wondering

Finish Work Galore.

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Our move into Bunker is quickly approaching. By quickly, I mean literally 5 days. Check out the picture above which shows what Bunker looked like last Saturday. The left wall is where the closets and couch will be. The right wall is the kitchen. To your far right, you can see the stairs (to the lofted bedroom) and the entrance to the bathroom. I am standing at the far corner, which is part of our closet. Got it?

This past week has been packed with busy evenings doing the fun finish work!!!

1. We finished the refrigerator! Turns out that Derek's idea to paint it a color was a good one. I love the color it brings to our little cement block home. We chose the color Loreta Lake from Ace's paint collection. From start to finish, it only took a couple hours!

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2. We had a painting party. With the drywall done, our goal was to finish the painting ASAP so we could get to building our kitchen. We were surprised at how quickly we were able to finish up priming the surfaces. By the end of the afternoon on Saturday, we had most of the place painted.

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3. We finished up the floors! After much indecision on my part, I opted to just seal the floors. I am going for the "trying to look like we aren't trying" look. I goofed up and didnt put anything to protect the floors during drywalling. This resulted in me scrubbing down the floor with some chemicals before sealing it. I was literally thinking about how awful Cinderella must have felt cleaning her step-mothers floors. O the things renovations do to the brain.


The sludge that I used to clean the floor. Although I would like to say it was a miracle cleaner, I dont think it really was. I think my little steal wool was the real life saver in the situation


This was taken after part of it was finished and dried. I has potential...nothing a few big rugs in the space won't fix

4. We added some fun fixtures!

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